Letter Sample 2

Dear <Name>,

We wish to make note our objection to the Train Stabling Yard/Maintenance Depot as we live very close to the area in question.

A bureaucrat from the Rail Authority has made their choice from behind a desk without any comprehensive research about how close the depot would be to housing, nor have they bothered to consult with local communities and have clearly chosen to ignore the planning policy State and Local Governments have put in place for the area.

Back in the 1970’s this area was originally set aside to be used as sand mining and then filled to ultimately become part of the then-called Green Belt (now the Chain of  Parks in the Green Wedge) linking up Karkarook Park with Braeside Park.

If this Depot goes ahead the Green Belt will never happen, as the Depot will be there forever. The gateway, trails and parks between Karkarook and Braeside Parks will be broken.

A Train Depot, with the noise and light pollution it generates at all hours of the day and night, is an industrial type use and belongs well away from residential housing/suburbs. This depot would be right on peoples’ doorsteps and there are other alternative sites in the region that would be far more suitable.

An operation like this would be an absolute eyesore for the area, housing prices would plummet and locals would be forced to live with this intrusion on their lives and amenity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Would this be a Green Wedge to be proud of – we think not!

Thank you


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